Meaning: Is the pen name of the noted SCHOLAR Yi Hwang (16th century) an authority on NEO—CONFUCIANSIM. The 37 movements refer to his birth place on 37 latitude; the diagram (+) represents scholar.
Movements: 37
CHUN BI (at A, facing D): rising on balls of feet, extend both arms in circular motion over head; as heels are lowered, pull down hands to B position (at belt level, left open hand over right fist).
l. Look 90 left toward B. Turn 90 left to B in LEFT BACK STANCE/INNER WRIST BLOCK with KIHAP.
2. Slide left foot toward left, forming LEFT FRONT STANCE while executing GROIN GRAB with open RIGHT HAND, left open hand pulling to right shoulder
3. Look 90 right toward D. Pull left foot to right to form CLOSED STANCE facing D, while executing HIGH—LOW FOREARM BLOCK (right fist, palm out, for high block; left fist, palm in, for low block; arms parallel 6—l0 inches apart).
4. Look 90 right toward C. Turn 90 right to C in RIGHT BACK STANCE/INNER WRIST BLOCK.
5. Slide right foot toward right, forming RIGHT FRONT STANCE while executing GROIN GRAB with open LEFT HAND, right open hand pulling to left shoulder.
6. Look 90 left toward D. Pull right foot to left to form CLOSED STANCE facing D, while executing HIGH-LOW FOREARM BLOCK (left fist, palm out, for high block; right fist, palm in, for low block; arms parallel 6-10 inches apart).
7. Step out to LEFT FRONT STANCE toward D, executing LOW X-BLOCK.
8. Draw hands back to hips and execute TWIN PUNCH to face (fists at 45 angle to each other, about 2 inches apart to aim at eyes).
9. Pulling hands to left fist over right on right hip, execute RIGHT FRONT SNAP KICK to midsection.
l0- Lower right foot to RIGHT FRONT STANCE, executing RIGHT PUNCH to solar plexus.
ll. LEFT PUNCH to solar plexus (immediately after right).
12. Drawing left foot to right, look and turn 90 left toward E to CLOSED STANCE while bringing fist to hips (knuckles facing hips) in a circular motion.
13. Drawing back both arms to right side, swing right leg up in an arc and down to STRADDLE STANCE, executing W-BLOCK (fists are palm in, facing each other, arms bent 90 at elbows), head and torso facing A.
14. Look 90 right toward E. Drawing back both arms to left side, swing left leg up in an arc and down to STRADDLE STANCE, executing W—BLOCK, head and torso facing D.
15. Look 90 right toward F. Drawing back both arms to left side, swing left leg up in an arc and down to STRADDLE STANCE, executing W—BLOCK, head and torso facing A. _
l6. Look 90 left toward F. Drawing back both arms to right side, swing right leg up in an arc and down to STRADDLE STANCE, executing W—BLOCK, head and torso facing D.
17. Look 90 right toward F. Drawing back both arms to left side, swing left leg up in an arc and down to STRADDLE STANCE, executing W-BLOCK, head and torso facing A.
18. Look 90 right toward E. Drawing back both arms to left side, swing left leg up in an arc and down to STRADDLE STANCE, executing W—BLOCK, head and torso facing D.
19. Bring right foot to left, then step out left foot to LEFT BACK STANCE, executing LOW AUGMENT BLOCK (initiated from right hip, left fist over right).
20. Slide left foot toward left, forming LEFT FRONT STANCE, while arm pulled back, then up with OPEN HAND THROAT GRAB. Pull hands down to meet rising RIGHT KNEE for FACE SMASH with KIHAP.
2l. Lower right foot to left, looking 180 left toward A. Step out toward A in LEFT BACK STANCE/KNIFEHAND BLOCK.
22. Drawing left open hand down to guard groin (palm parallel to and facing floor), execute LEFT FRONT SNAP KICK to midsection off front leg.
23. Pull back left hand to hip and twist upper body left; then twist upper body right for LEFT SPEARHAND to eyes, stepping down left foot to LEFT FRONT STANCE toward A.
25. Drawing right open hand down to guard groin (palm parallel to and facing floor), execute RIGHT FRONT SNAP KICK to midsection off front leg.
26. Pull back right hand to hip and twist upper body right; then twist upper body left for RIGHT SPEARHAND to eyes, stepping down right foot to RIGHT FRONT STANCE toward A.
27. Pull back right foot toward D (still facing A) to form LEFT BACK STANCE, while executing simultaneous LEFT DOWN BLOCK and RIGHT BACKFIST (toward D).
28. Jump toward A off left foot (high jump), landing on right foot, stopped by left, forming X—STANCE (torso facing C), executing very LOW X-BLOCK with KIHAP.
29. Look 90 right toward A. Turn right 90 to A in RIGHT FRONT STANCE/AUGMENT BLOCK (initiated from left hip, right fist over left).
30. Glance 90 right toward B. Turn 270 left to B, pivoting on right foot to form LEFT BACK STANCE/LOW KNIFEHAND BLOCK.
31. Sliding left foot toward left to B to form LEFT FRONT STANCE, execute RIGHT CIRCULAR BLOCK at 45 angle to hips (between A and D).
32. Pivot hips right about 135 to RIGHT FRONT STANCE, executing LEFT CIRCULAR BLOCK.
33. Look 90 right toward C. Pulling left foot to right, step out to RIGHT BACK STANCE/LOW KNIFEHAND BLOCK.
34. Sliding right foot toward right to C to form RIGHT FRONT STANCE, execute LEFT CIRCULAR BLOCK at 45 angle to hips (between C and D).
35. Pivot hips left about 135 to LEFT FRONT STANCE, executing RIGHT CIRCULAR BLOCK.
36. Pivot hips right to C to form RIGHT FRONT STANCE, executing LEFT CIRCULAR BLOCK.
37. Pulling right foot toward left, step right foot down on line ABC, torso facing D, in STRADDLE STANCE while executing RIGHT PUNCH to solar plexus with KIHAP.
Draw right foot to left and raise arms to return to CHUN BI position at A, facing D.