Meaning: Was the given name to the great Admiral Yi Sun Sin of the Yi Dynasty. He was reputed to have invented the first armoured battleship (Kobukson) which was the precursor of the present-day submarine in 1592. The reason why this pattern ends in a left—hand attack is to symbolize his regrettable death having no chance to show his unrestrained potentiality, checked by the forced reservation of his loyalty to the king.

Movement: 30

CHUN BI (at A, facing D).

l. Look 90 left toward B. Turn 90 left to B in LEFT BACK STANCE/TWIN KNIFEHAND BLOCK (initiated from right hip, left fist overright) with KIHAP.
2. Drawing back both arms to right, step to RIGHT FRONT STANCE, executing RIGHT OUTSIDE KNIFEHAND STRIKE to head while protecting forehead with LEFT OPEN HAND, palm out.
3. Look 90 right to C. Turn 90 right to C in RIGHT BACK STANCE/KNIFEHAND BLOCK.
5. Look 90 left toward D. Turn 90 left to D in LEFT BACK STANCE/KNIFEHAND BLOCK.
6. Look 180 over right shoulder to A. Pull right foot toward left to CHAMBER RIGHT LEG toward A, hands in OPEN HAND GUARDING POSITION right palm in on inside, left palm in on outside.
7. Execute RIGHT SIDE THRUST KICK to midsection to A, pulling hands toward D.
8. Looking over left shoulder to D, step right foot next to left, and turn to D in LEFT BACK STANCE/KNIFEHAND BLOCK.
9. Stepping forward with right foot, bring up left knee (for height) and execute RIGHT FLYING SIDE THRUST KICK to D. Land in RIGHT BACK STANCE, executing KNIFEHAND BLOCK.
10. Glancing 90 right to E, turn 270 left to E, pivoting on right foot to LEFT BACK STANCE/DOWN BLOCK.
ll. Sliding left foot toward left to LEFT FRONT STANCE, reach up with open hands (thumb and forefinger fully separated) for THROAT GRAB.
l2. Pull hands down as right knee comes up for FACE SMASH with KIHAP.
13. Look 180 over left shoulder to F. Place right foot next to left and step out with left foot toward F in LEFT BACK STANCE, executing LEFT INSIDE KNIFEHAND STRIKE to neck. Slide left foot toward left, forming LEFT FRONT STANCE, executing high pressing motion with left hand into RIGHT AUGMENTED RIDGEHAND to temple (right elbow rests on left open hand, palm down).
14. RIGHT ROUNDHO– USE KICK to midsection to F.
15. Step right foot down, and execute SPINNING BACK KICK to midsection toward F with left foot.
16. Lower left foot to form back leg of RIGHT BACK STANCE facing E, executing CLOSED FIST KNIFEHAND BLOCK.
17. Look 45 left to E. Execute LEFT ROUNDHO– USE KICK (off left rear leg) at 45 left to E.
18. Look toward A. Step left foot down next to right, then face A in RIGHT BACK STANCE, executing STAFF BLOCK (initiated from left hip, right fist over left), left open hand, palm down, on top, right open hand, palm up, on bottom, thumb and forefinger fully seperated.
19. Jump and turn left (counterclockwise) on same spot, landing to form RIGHT BACK STANCE/KNIFEHAND BLOCK with KIHAP.
20. LEFT FRONT STANCE/GROIN GRAB toward A (right open hand, palm up, to groin as left open hand, palm in, goes to right shoulder).
21. Draw back left foot to LEFT BACK STANCE, executing simultaneous LEFT DOWN BLOCK and RIGHT BACKFIST toward D.
22. Left pressing block into RIGHT FRONT STANCE/SPEARHAND to solar plexus.
23. Glance 90 right toward B. Turn 270 left to B, pivoting on right foot, into LEFT FRONT STANCE/AUGMENTED INSIDE FOREARM BLOCK (initiated from right hip, left fist over right).
24. Move right foot to B, forming STRADDLE STANCE, executing AUGMENTED OUTSIDE BLOCK, then BACKFIST to B with right hand.
25. Look 90 left to C. Execute RIGHT SIDE THRUST KICK to midsection off right rear leg toward C, lowering right leg to C.
26. LEFT SIDE THRUST KICK to midsection off left rear leg toward C.
27. Lower left foot toward C, facing B, then draw right foot toward left to form a RIGHT BACK STANCE, while circling hands outward, then in to execute an X-KNIFEHAND BLOCK.
28. Step right foot to B, forming LEFT FRONT STANCE, executing DOUBLE PALM HEEL STRIKE to ribs.
29. Look 180 over right shoulder to C. Bring left foot to right, turning 180 right to C. Step out to RIGHT FRONT STANCE/RISING BLOCK.
30. LEFT PUNCH to head with KIHAP.

Draw right foot to left to return to CHUN BI position at A, facing D.